5. Lesson 2: LATEX . . .

You should read Chapter 2 now and note the following two key points:
  • source files contain text, math and instructions;
  • some instructions (commands) have arguments (e.g. \emph{text goes here}), and some have no arguments (e.g. \LaTeX).
Download and read chapter2_01.tex. Yes, it probably looks weird. But please do look over the source and its output. You should also look at note1.tex found on page 10 of our Short_Course.pdf textbook. You'll also need to place sample.cls into your work folder. Both of these files are already in Math_into_LaTeX-4 folder, and if you prefer you can simple copy both files from Math_into_LaTeX-4 to work. However, you should also learn how to save files from the Internet to your computer because there's a lot of LATEX related files on the web. Some are pretty cool and will allow you to create some really cool documents. [ASSIGNMENT 3, 10%]: The third hand-in assignment is to typeset the note1.tex source file. If you're having trouble you probably missing the sample.cls file, or they're in different folders. You also need to carefully read page 11 so that you get an idea of what I was doing in the chapter2_01.tex lesson---it's really important that you realize that most formating is done properly, but on occasion you may get unexpected results. You'll now need to modify note1.tex by replacing "term" by "strange term" in the second sentence. In the forth sentence delete the word Rudi and the space that follows it. Save this new edited document as note1b.txt note1b.tex and typeset it. What's amazing is that everyone's computer will generate the same output: Although rare (IMHO), LATEX will occasionally require us to do some hard formating changes. You can, of course re-read page 13 to see what's suggested. However, LATEX's output is usually so good that tweaks like this are rarely needed. Once done with these examples (note1.tex, note1b.tex), mail a copy of both the source and output (pdf) to assignments@mathography.org.


Christian said...

I'm not sure what is the point of saving the note1b.tex as a note1b.txt (text document) on assignment # 3? I'm I missing something?

Ron Bannon said...

I made a mistake and I will correct the website. Thanks for looking carefully . . .